National Housing Week of Action
May 30 - June 5 2019, advocates across the nation held local events to demand greater federal investments in affordable rental homes. The Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding and National Low Income Housing Coalition have identified this week as "Our Homes, Our Voices National Housing Week of Action" to lift our voices to call attention to the need for increased investments for affordable homes by making the affordable rental housing shortage a national priority.
The Ask: Congress must reject any proposed cuts to housing benefits and instead work to lift the spending caps for non-defense programs. Federal resources are a key solution. We should fully invest in affordable housing resources that help the lowest-income families, like the national Housing Trust Fund, public housing, housing choice vouchers, and many others.
What You Can Do: Join the Kearney Housing Agency and our partners in a letter writing campaign. Use one or all of our templates on this page to write to Members of Congress about the need for investment in housing.
How You Can Do It: Download the template and make necessary changes (add your name and community, change the wording to fit your story). Then simply print and mail.
Or you can call Micheala or Carrie at 308-234-3000 and they will help you complete and print the form and mail it for you.
Too busy to do either? Text us at 308-440-6432 and we'll do the work for you.
Join us and let your voice be heard about the importance of decent, affordable housing!